Red Dog Blue Kat Recreational Bones
Red Dog Blue Kat Recreational Bones
Red Dog Blue Kat Recreational Bones
Red Dog Blue Kat Recreational Bones
Red Dog Blue Kat Recreational Bones

Red Dog Blue Kat Recreational Bones

Regular price $9.00 Sale

Raw bones are an essential part of a quality raw diet. They are a source of calcium and promote oral health. Bones are nature’s toothbrush! Chewing on bones also helps to release endorphins.


Recreational bones —weight-bearing bones that should be gnawed on and not chewed or swallowed. Bones that are filled with marrow should be avoided if your pet has pancreatitis.


Contains marrow in a hollow centre. Remove bone once marrow has been consumed.

Small - good for dogs up to 20 lbs
Large - good for dogs over 20 lbs